Univ of Sunderland APT&C Staff Handbook: ch30. EXTERNAL WORK/EXCLUSIVITY


The University accept that an employee's off duty hours are their own personal concern, but they should not subordinate their duty to their private interests or put themselves in a position where their duties and private interests conflict.

The University would not attempt to preclude officers from undertaking additional employment, but any such employment must not, in the view of the University, conflict or react detrimentally to the University's interests, or in any way weaken public confidence in the conduct of University affairs.

Any employee paid above Scale 6 should devote their whole time service to the work of the University and they should not undertake additional appointments or engage in any other business without the express consent of the University.

Although employees paid Scale 6 or below do not have an obligation to obtain consent, they should preferably inform their line manager of the activity to ensure no conflict of interests.

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