Univ of Sunderland APT&C Staff Handbook: ch21 Apportionment of salaries


The salaries provided by the scales shall be apportioned as follows:-


Initial 				Apportionment for
Apportionment			Odd Days

Annual Salary paid Monthly
	For each calendar		For each odd day
	month, one-twelfth	(including Sunday)
	of the annual salary	divide the monthly
				sum by the number
				of days in the
				particular month.
Annual Salary paid Weekly	
	For each week		For each odd day
	7/365ths of the		(including Sunday)
	Annual Salary		divide the working
				sum by 7.

Weekly Salary
	-			For each odd working
				day, divide the weekly
				sum by the number of 
				working days in the week.		

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