WHATNEWS? - Unison - University of Sunderland Branch Newsletter 97/03




16 July 1997



University of Sunderland Branch

What News is published by the University of
Sunderland Branch of Unison, Joint Union Office,
Galen Building. Editor: Laurie Fenwick.
Views expressed are not necessarily those of the
Editor or of UNISON.


The University Branch of Unison has tickets for the Beamish Family Fun Day!

Prices of tickets, subsidised to Unison Branch members, are £2 for adults, £1 for children. [NB - Children below the age of 5 years do not need a ticket!!]

For those who need it, transport by bus has also been arranged - seats available on a first come, first served basis!

Tickets may be collected from the Branch Office between 10am and 2pm on on the following days:

Friday 18 July
Monday 21 July
Tuesday 22 July
Wednesday 23 July

Come early to avoid disappointment!!

[Write to the Editor using this form]

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Rektah on

Rektah cartoon

...Aa'm bettah than
Jolly Rogah!!!!

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The Branch will be pleased to receive donations to the Welfare Fund from those of you who have benefited from the day of action in November, but who were unable to take part in the strike.

Donations should be sent to the Honorary Treasurer at the Joint Union Office, Galen building

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***Letter to the Editor***


I have noticed that the University has taken to flying a flag from the top of the Ivory Tower.

The flag is emblazoned with the legend "Investor in People" and is presumably there so that all loyal subjects can stop and give the appropriate salute as they pass by.

However my concern is that I have not seen a Flag Raising course in the Staff Development Handbook and have not seen an advertisement for a qualified Flag Raiser. This leads me to the conclusion that the flag is being raised and presumably lowered by an unqualified person.

How can this great institution claim to be an "Investor in People" when they are quite happy to allow untrained personnel to carry out such a vitally important role as flag raising/lowering with all the hidden dangers that such a task contains.

I look forward to your comments.

Jack Crawford (The flag watcher.)

p.s the flag itself is quite nice, a sort of navy blue with silver iip symbol and writing.

[Jack Do you have a copy of the 1997-8 book? - Ed]

Correspondence should be sent to the Publicity Officer at the University of Sunderland Branch of Unison, Joint Union Office, Galen Building or use this form

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***Rektah's breefing***


Aa've noticed that ye hevn't hed the ansas fothe last two competitions - ind nee winnas neitha!!

Whatsganninon eh?

Divvent say neebeggah sent any ansas in - cos aa did.

Wheors me bit prize, eh, eh??

Aa luk forward tiv hearing from ye at yor orliest convenience!


E M Reet

[Prizes for the last two competitions have not yet been awarded, but rest assured that winners and results will appear in Whatnews issue 97/04]

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Last updated 16 July 1997
Prepared for WWW by laurie.fenwick@sunderland.ac.uk © 1997