WHATNEWS? - Unison - University of Sunderland Branch Newsletter 97/02




19 May 1997



University of Sunderland Branch

What News is published by the University of
Sunderland Branch of Unison, Joint Union Office,
Galen Building. Editor: Laurie Fenwick.
Views expressed are not necessarily those of the
Editor or of UNISON.

***Sign Up 2 Unison***

It's time to sign up... again!

Don't be surprised that you have been asked to Sign-Up again to have your UNISON subs. deducted directly from your pay packet. It's the law.

The last government introduced this law, the Trade Union Reform and Employment Relations Act 1993, despite strong advice not to from employers and trade unions. So now, every three years, trade unions have to get fresh authorisation from their members otherwise they cannot collect subscriptions from the payroll.

You can imagine the chaos that would hit banks and the business world if standing orders had to be renewed every three years!

Collecting new signatures from more than one million members is a massive job. But if you can Sign-Up again promptly when asked, you can save UNISON spending unnecessary time and resources on this task and help it to deliver services to you.

Many members in the University have already done so - but there are still many who have not.

Remember, if your subscription stops so do all the UNISON benefits of representation, legal assistance, cheap mortgages and insurance, death and injury benefits.

Whenever the new mandates are distributed, it is a good time to ask any of your colleagues who are not yet trade union members to consider joining.

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Rektah on the
World Wide Web...

Rektah cartoon

...Aa divvent
like spidahs!!!!

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***Pay News - Update***

There has been a rumour circulating around the University that the second phase of the last pay settlement, due from 1 July for APT&C staff, may not be implemented by the University!

This has been confirmed by Management at a meeting with representatives of the Branch!

The University's position is that: this settlement cannot be committed to until the University budget has been set and agreed by Governors; this University was not consulted with over the issue of a two year pay deal, and so had no opportunity to argue against it!

The Branch's position is quite clear - this was a national agreement, industrial action was called off as a result of this agreement, and we expect it to be implemented in full!

Indeed, in January the imminent settlement was referred to by management during their performances to encourage staff agreement to the Net Pay Enhancement scheme.

If what the University says about their opportunity to contribute to the discussions on the detail of the settlement is true, then that is clearly a matter between them and their negotiating team. It is NOT a satisfactory reason to refuse to implement this settlement!!!


The Branch will be pleased to receive donations to the Welfare Fund from those of you who have benefited from the day of action in November, but who were unable to take part in the strike.

Donations should be sent to the Honorary Treasurer at the Joint Union Office, Galen building

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***Letter to the Editor***


I raised the matter of the 2nd stage of the pay settlement at the last meeting of the Board of Governors.

I was concerned at the possible implications of not implementing the second part of the pay settlement.

It was explained that:

    the University is not bound by the decisions arrived at through national bargaining - Governors will always take their own decisions - although in reality the national agreements tend always to be implemented;
    the University was not given the opportunity to contribute to the debate on a two year deal - and if it had been then the University would have argued against it, partly because of the uncertainties of the next year's budget.

There was some support for my arguments from others on the Board, but the decision on the day was that there could be no committment until the budget was agreed. There would be efforts made, however, to accelerate the preparation of the budget as far as possible.

In subsequent discussions with the Vice-Chancellor and also the Director of Finance I was given what I understood to be assurances that there will be no problem in implementing this second stage.

I believe those assurances.

[L J Fenwick, Non-teaching staff representative to the Board of Governors]

Correspondence should be sent to the Publicity Officer at the University of Sunderland Branch of Unison, Joint Union Office, Galen Building or use this form

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***Europe and the public sector - course***

Unison is holding a residential training course on 22-28 September. The Venue is Northern College, Barnsley.

The course will cover:

  • The roles and functions of the European parliament, Commission, Council of Ministers and the European Court of Justice.
  • The consequences of European Monetary and Political Union for Public Sector workers.
  • The Social Chapter and how it affects the rights of Unison members.
  • European Regional Policy and what it means for the UK.
  • Free movement of Labour.
  • Public Services and the European Structural Funds.
  • A Unison strategy on Europe.

I went on this course a while ago and it's really good. If anybody is interested. please let me (Sony) know in the Union Office (2549). The Branch pays the travelling and course costs and can organise paid release for you to attend.

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***Branch Officers 1997***

Branch Officers
Secretary Colin Thompson (Environment)
Chair Stu McRoy (Education)
Vice Chair Joyce Dillon (Student Services)
Treasurer Sylvia Austin (LDS)
Member Services Sony Southall (Joint Union Office)
Health & Safety Officer Malcolm Haswell (Environment)
Publicity Laurie Fenwick (Information Services)
Youth Officer S G Ball
Education J E Clarke
SEAT C Rowan
Student Services J Dillon
ITACS D Wainwright
Catering N Greenwood
LDS I Stachan
Estates (APT&C staff) J Stokoe
Estates (St Peters) L Bevan / A Lee (Campus Services)
Estates (Caretakers) R Huntley
Health Sciences S G Ball

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***Rektah's breefing***

Aa've had a canny idea aboot savin munney ind connin people oot ov stoppin oot on strike!

Aall ye hev te dee is get yor mates to taalk tiv the strikahs ind agree te dee a deal - tho best kind is a two yor deal.

Then ye get people back te work, nee bothah!

But when the cum tiv ask fortha munney, ye say tiv them - What munney? Aa nivvor did a deal, that wes me mates! Tho nivvor aksed me!

Canny, eh!


E M Reet

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Competition open to University of Sunderland Unison members only.

Winner is the first all correct answers drawn from a hat (or other suitable receptacle) by the Editor.

Answer questions by writing them on a piece of paper, adding your name, department and works telephone number.

Send your answers to the Publicity Officer at the address given on this newsletter (internal mail will do) and mark the envelope COMPETITION 97/02 or use this form. Closing date for entries is 23 May 1997. Prize £10.


  1. Unison is running a residential training course on September 22-28 . What is the subject of the course to be?
  2. What does the Rektah not like?
  3. Where can you find the World Wide Web version of Whatnews?
  4. Who is the Branch's newly appointed Youth Officer

ANSWERS to Competition 4

  1. Premature Retirement Compensation
  2. Retail Price Index
  3. Over £27 million
  4. Laurie Fenwick
  5. Commander of the British Empire
  6. Self-organised groups

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Last updated 19 May 1997
Prepared for WWW by laurie.fenwick@sunderland.ac.uk © 1997